Please see the following message from MCFD:
As you know, on Friday February 12th the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) and the Ministry of Health released updates to the COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for Child Care Settings.
The updated guidelines provide further clarification and are unlikely to require significant changes to your current practices, however if small adjustments need to be made it is understood that they will take time to implement and won’t be in place immediately. If you have questions about how the guidelines fit within your specific circumstances, we encourage you to reach out to your local licensing officer.
On Tuesday, February 16th the ministry held a Health & Safety Virtual Townhall to discuss the updated guidelines and answer questions.
The expert panel included Dr. Geoff McKee, Medical Director, Population and Public Health at the BCCDC; Dr. Patricia Daly, Vice-President, Public Health and Chief Medical Health Officer from Vancouver Coastal Health; and Jacqueline Holmes, Manager, Prevention Field Services, WorkSafe BC.
We hope this event offered further clarity on how to keep children, staff, and yourselves safe when in a child care setting. For those of you that may have missed the townhall or would like to listen in again, we have prepared a recording of the hour-long event. In the video description you will find a listing of the questions posed to the panellists and links to navigate to the specific time each question was asked and answered. During the call some of you submitted new questions into the QA feature. We are working to get you answers to these questions and will share the information in a future communication.
As always, the up-to-date health and safety guidance from the BC Centre for Disease Control and the Ministry of Health are available on the Child Care Health and Safety webpage.
Childcare BC
Stakeholder Engagement